Home Phone Features and Services
Every TDS basic and unlimited phone plan includes voicemail, caller ID, and call waiting. Unlimited plans include additional features and services.
Anonymous Call Rejection
This feature prevents unidentified numbers from getting through, so you don't get distracted by unwanted calls. If a caller has blocked your caller ID so you can't tell who they are, your phone won't ring.

Call Forwarding
Switch on call forwarding to send all incoming calls to an alternate number, such as your cell phone or work phone, so you never miss an important call.

Selective Call Forwarding
Rather than forwarding all calls to an alternate number, you can also select the specific numbers you want to route elsewhere. For example, you can forward all calls from a certain family member to your cell phone.

Selective Call Acceptance
This feature allows you to determine the numbers from which you're willing to accept calls. Any calls from numbers that you have not entered in the system will be rejected. This gives you lots of privacy and ensures you only get calls from numbers you accept.

*Some unlimited plans may include additional features, such as 3-way calling and selective call rejection, depending on what is available in your area.
Ready to start shopping?
Phone service is for residential customers and requires a Multimedia Modem supplied by TDS. Normal monthly equipment fees apply. Service is power dependent. Caller ID service requires a compatible phone or device. Unlimited long distance minutes are domestic for both Inter and IntraLATA. Domestic countries include the U.S., Canada, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Misuse (including auto-dialing, permanent call forwarding, three-way calling, and other non-residential uses) may result in immediate suspension, restriction, or service cancellation. International, operator- and directory-assisted calls are not included. Third-party collect calls not allowed. One-time phone installation charges may apply. Price does not include federal, state, or local taxes and fees.
Delinquent accounts may lose service. Certain services not available in all areas. Price may vary by serving area and is subject to change without notice. Services subject to TDS Terms of Service at hellotds.com/tos, TDS Privacy Policy at hellotds.com/privacy, and TDS Acceptable Use Policy at hellotds.com/use. TDS® is a registered trademark of Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. Copyright © 2025, TDS Telecommunications LLC, All Rights Reserved.
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